Annika Lems
14-17 August (Sweden): ”On Doing Being “Normal”: Unaccompanied Refugee Youths’ Attempts to Escape Exceptionalisation”, Conference Presentation at 15th Biannual Conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA).
21-22 June 2018 (Antwerpen): “Between Inclusion and Exclusion: The Educational Pathways of Unaccompanied Refugee Youth in Switzerland”, Conference Presentation at Exploring New Links Between Transnational Migration and Education.
7-8 December 2017 (Switzerland): Presentation as part of the conference “Refugeehood, Education and Political Subjectivities”, at the University of Neuchatel; paper title tba.
4-7 October 2017 (Germany): Panel convenor at the conference of the German anthropological association in Berlin. Panel convened together with Heike Drotbohm on “Refugeeism, Displacement and new Forms of Sociabilities: Anthropological Perspectives on Current Trends”.
26 September 2017 (Switzerland): Presentation as part of the Institutskolloquium at the Institute of Social Anthropology in Bern. Paper on “The slippery slope between integration and exclusion in Swiss responses to unaccompanied refugee youth”.
7 July 2017 (UK): Presentation as part of the international Workshop "Moving stories: Exploring transcultural storytelling in contexts of migration” organised by Heidi Armbruster & Jenny Cuffe at the University of Southampton. Paper on “Radio as a storytelling tool with unaccompanied refugee youth”.
13 June 2017 (Switzerland): Presentation as part of the “Interkantonale Fachaustausch MNA” in Zürich organised by the SSI. Paper on “Bildungswege von unbegleiteten Minderjährigen: Fallbeispiele aus dem Kanton Bern”.
7-8 June 2017 (Switzerland): International Workshop at the University of Bern & the University of Teacher Education (PH): Navigating Shifting Social Terrains: Ethnographic Perspectives on Unaccompanied Refugee Youth in Europe. Presenting the paper: The slippery slope between integration and exclusion in Swiss educational responses to unaccompanied refugee youth.
16-17 June 2017 (UK) : Beyond Crisis: Rethinking Refugee Studies at Keble College Oxford.
13th December 2016 ( Switzerland) : Publication Workshop "Existential Perspectives on im/mobilities" in Bern (with faculty funding, together with Jelena Tosic) - convening and presenting a paper - working towards a special issue.
10-12 November 2016 (Switzerland) : Swiss Anthropological Association “Anthropology in a World of Exclusion: Commonalities, Disciplinary Perspectives, Openings” conference at the university of Lausanne.
20th-23rd of July 2016 (Italy): EASA Conference in Milan, "Navigating the Movements and Impasses of Everyday Life: Young Eritrean Refugees' Hopes of Movement-through-Education" (Paper presentation)
4th-8th of July 2016 (UK): ASA (Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and Commonwealth) Conference in Durham, Panel on "From Words to Lives: Re-assessing the Role of Narratives in The Context of Crisis" (Panel Convenor, together with Christine Moderbacher & Darcy Alexandra)
8th June 2016 (Switzerland): Lecture on "Unaccompanied Migrant Youth: An Ethnographic Perspective" for the 2015/16 Cycle of the Master of Advanced Studies in Children's Rights at the University of Geneva
6th June 2016 (Switzerland): Wissenschaftscafe Bern - public discussion
17th April 2016 (USA) : International Conference of Europeanists in Philadelphia (paper presentation)

Eda Elif Tibet
September 2019 (Switzerland): Workshop with Prof.Dr. Yael Navajaro (University of Cambridge), Presenting PhD Chapter on the 27thof September, UNIS Uni Bern, Switzerland.
September 2019 (Switzerland): Trans Humanities: Challenging the Sites of Knowledge Summer School, presenting a paper and poster on “Co-creating Transformative Knowledge with the unaccompanied asylum seeking youth in Turkey”, Murten 3-7 September.
April 2019 (Switzerland): CUSO Graduate School in Anthropology
 Module 'Ethics in Situations: Navigating Legal Systems, Positioning and Morals in Ethnography',presented a PhD chapter on ethics, Schloss Ueberstorf, 11-12 April Switzerland
April 2019 (Switzerland): Presented a Co-Authored paper with Prof.Dr.Kathrin Oester. The Mobility-Education-Nexus, Unaccompanied Minor Asylum Seekers' Educational Biographies in Turkey and Switzerland- A Comparative Approach, during the CAS German as a Second Language Course, PH Bern. 10 April.
December 2018 (Switzerland): Presented a Co-Authored paper with Prof.Dr.Kathrin Oester. The Mobility-Education-Nexus, Unaccompanied Minor Asylum Seekers' Educational Biographies in Turkey and Switzerland- A Comparative Approach, during the annual PH Bern Colloqium, Bern.
November 2018 (Switzerland): Convened a panel at the Swiss Anthropological Association (SEG- SSE-SSA Annual Meeting) together with Dr. Tahir Zaman (University of Sussex): Panel 4b: Un-Learning Anthropology, Through the Co-Creation of Transformative Knowledge. Presenting the paper Learning to be Freed: Deep Encounters with the Unaccompanied Asylum Seekers in Turkey, together with research partner Abdi Deeq. 24 November, Zurich.
October 2018 (Turkey): Convened a panel at nadir Has University with Ass.Prof.Dr. Aysen Ustubici (University of Koc), in collaboration with the UN and university of Coventry on Youthful Responses to Displacement: Refugee Youth's Access and Right to Well-being, Socio Economic Welfare and Education. presenting a working paper with research partner Abdi Deeq.
September 2018 (Switzerland): NCCR on the Move, Graduate Conference at the University of Neuchatel. Presented the paper Learning as Agency: Strategies of Survival among the Somali Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Youth in Turkey, October Switzerland. Attendance covered by NCCR.
July/August 2018 (UK): GESA 2018, Delivering a theoretical lecture and workshop on filmmaking, advocacy and participatory action research methodologies, at Global Environments Summer Academy at the Center for Environment, University of Oxford, 25 July/ 12 August.
July 2018 (UK): Online Symposium at the University of Warwick, Methodological Innovations in Studying Culture, supported by the Institute of Advanced Study, hosted by the Big Blue Button web conferencing platform, presenting Learning to be freed: Deep encounters with the unaccompanied asylum seeking youth in Turkey,
July 2018 (Portugal): International Migration Conference 2018, presenting a published paper Escaping Exclusion: Confused Moralities and the search for Freedom in Turkey at the unaccompanied minor asylum seekers and legal procedures panel. 28 July, Lisbon / Portugal.
14/15 June 2018 (UK): Participated at the good practices of participatory filmmaking with the asylum seeking youth and showcasing short films together with research partner Abdi Deeq at the British Film Institute (BFI) in London during the Displaced in Media event, 14 & 15 June, UK. Attendance funded by European Culture Foundation.
12 June 2018 (UK): Gave a talk on PhD research (Learning to be Freed), and spoke at the panel on enacting global transformation across cultures, Building peace through collaborative methodologies and stories, at the Center for International Studies, University of Oxford, UK , 12th of June.
June 2018 (Greece): Virtual Exhibition and screening at Urban Struggles in the Mediterranean Cities: The right to the city and the common space UnConference, at the School of Architecture in the National University of Athens. Erase & Rewind photography exhibition and the screening of a Borderless World (7 mins short film) by research participant and partner Abdi Deeq:
June 2018 (Italy): 7th Ethnography and Qualitative Research Conference, BERGAMO Italy. Playing on the Move panel, presenting a working paper, "From Kabul to Istanbul, crossing borders without arms: The power of the mind and the becoming of a Paralympic swimming champion", 6th of June.
22 Feb 2018 (Switzerland): Speaker at Bringing empathy to academic research: Participatory filmmaking and transformation. The Graduate Institute of Geneva, at Maisaon de la Paix, Geneva, Switzerland.
11-12 December 2017 (UK); CONSTRUCTING VIABLE FUTURES: Unaccompanied Migrant Young People Transitioning to ‘Adulthood’ at St Anthony’s College, University of Oxford. Presenting "Unaccompanied minors and transitions in Turkey”.
6 Dec 2017 (Switzerland): Panelist at “Standing Up for Those Who Dare To Speak Out”, on Defending Human Rights Defenders, hosted by Amnesty International and The Graduate Institute of Geneva, on the 6th of Dec, at Maisaon de la Paix, Geneva, Switzerland.
Video >
28 July 2017 (Turkey): The Istanbul Human Security Conference, at Kadir Has University in Istanbul, Presenting the paper on “Escaping Exclusion: Confused Moralities and the Syrian Unaccompanied Minors’ Search for Freedom in Turkey”.
15 July 2017 (Turkey): Presented at a lecture given by Prof.Dr. Sabine Strasser, Childhood and Migration Summer course at MÄ°REKOÇ, KOC University, Istanbul
July 2017 (Switzerland): Presented the making of the film Ballad for Syria with Maisa Alhafez, United Beyond Borders event, UN Library Panel & Performances by the Theater of Transformation Academy chaired by Rama Mani, Geneva Switzerland.
22-23 June 2017 (Switzerland): Neuchatel graduate Conference in Migration and Mobility studies. Presenting the paper:"Escaping Exclusion: the Syrian Unaccompanied Minors, their agency and search for freedom as a response to State’s confused moralities during the EU-Turkey Deal".
7-8 June 2017 (Switzerland): International Workshop at the University of Bern & the University of Teacher Education (PH): Navigating Shifting Social Terrains: Ethnographic Perspectives on Unaccompanied Refugee Youth in Europe. Presenting a co-authored paper with Sabine Strasser: "Everyday Borders: Agency, Hope and Constraints among the unaccompanied youth asylum seekers in Turkey".
3-5 March 2017 (USA): Childhoods in Motion: Children, Youth, Migration, and Education Conference. AAA Anthropology of Children and Youth Interest Group Council on Anthropology and Education, University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA)- Center for the Study of International Migration. Presented the paper: "Escaping Exclusion: the Syrian Unaccompanied Minors, their agency and search for freedom as a response to State’s confused moralities during the EU-Turkey Deal".
December 2016 (Turkey): Organized and convened a public forum on the Solidarity with Refugees, during the 7th Which Human Rights Film Festival, SALT GALATA, Istanbul Turkey.
10-12 November 2016 ( Switzerland) : Swiss Anthropological Association “Anthropology in a World of Exclusion: Commonalities, Disciplinary Perspectives, Openings” conference at the university of Lausanne, Presenting a working paper on “Escaping Exclusion: Syrian Unaccompanied Minors and their Responses Towards State’s Temporary Educational and Social Exclusion Policies in Turkey.
19-22 October 2016 (Turkey): The Istanbul Human Security Conference 2016, at Kadir Has University in Istanbul, presenting paper on “Learning as Agency: Two different Learning Strategies for Survival Among the Somali Unaccompanied Minor Asylum Seekers in Turkey.
15-22 July 2016 (Turkey): Participated, presented as discussant at MÄ°REKOÇ Summer Course: Forced Migration.
17 July 2016 (Turkey): People’s Movements: Violence and Solidarity in the Southeastern Peripheries of Europe: An Encounter in Istanbul, at the Bosporus University, talked on "Media Making and Research with Refugee Adolescents".
7-10 July 2016 (Greece): Crossing Borders Conference, Lesvos Greece at the Aegean University , presented a working paper on "Learning as agency among the Somali unaccompanied minor asylum seekers in Turkey".
31 May 2016 (Germany): Lecture series on Educational Injustice, Kassel University Germany , talked on: "Learning as agency and educational barriers young unaccompanied asylum seekers face in Turkey"
28 May 2016 (Switzerland): Workshop on Formal & Informal Learning at Pädagogische Hochschule 28th of May 2016, Bern, presented a working paper on “Learning as Agency among the Somali Unaccompanied Minor Asylum Seekers in Turkey”.
23 April 2016 (Turkey): No Limits Conference – Mexico-Munich-Istanbul by Goethe Institute Istanbul at Salt Galata, talked on "Arts and Documentary Filmmaking with Refugees".
17 March 2016 (Turkey): Workshop by ASAM and British Council on “Preventing the Rise of a Lost Generation” in Ankara, Presented Talk: “Educational Barriers, Unaccompanied Minor Asylum Seekers face in Turkey”.
16 March 2016 (Turkey): Migration Talks Series, Koç University : “Participatory Radio Show, as a method in navigating educational pathways and learning strategies among the unaccompanied minor asylum seekers in Turkey”.
6 June 2015 (Switzerland): Swiss Graduate School in Social Anthropology, “Gendered Regimes of Migration“, University of Zurich, Switzerland. Presented a PhD Outline Paper.